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Spanish Peaks Mental Health Center
Spanish Peaks Mental Health Center
United States
Tel: (719) 545-2746
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Business Information
Spanish Peaks Mental Health Center is a non-profit behavioral healthcare organization in Pueblo, Colorado. Spanish Peaks has been providing mental health services since 1962. We offer a range of mental health services in Pueblo, Huerfano and Las Animas counties in Southern Colorado. Adult Outpatient Children's Outpatient Community Support A.T.U Residential Services Rural Spanish Peaks Mental Health Center includes fourteen programs conducted in eight different facilities. Some of these serve many different kinds of clients; others are special programs with a narrower focus. Under a coordinated plan, many clients receive simultaneous care from several programs. The usual entry point for new clients is through one of the outpatient programs. Each individual's needs are evaluated and an appropriate plan is developed. Our Mission It is the mission of Spanish Peaks Mental Health Center to make available a comprehensive range of quality community-based mental health care services in the least restrictive manner to residents of Pueblo, Huerfano and Las Animas Counties. Are you in need of help? Please call us today. Adult Outpatient Services Adults (18 and over), most of whose needs can be met by office visits, are seen at our Adult Outpatient Clinic (AOP). Many of the individuals seen for brief-focused therapy are experiencing temporary distress and will find resolution to their problems in a very short period of time. Those who may be experiencing symptoms that could benefit from a medication will be seen by one of the Center's psychiatrists. In the last two years we have seen the development of an extensive group therapy program as well. There are a number of clients seen in the AOP who are severely mentally ill, but their condition is currently stable and they have demonstrated their ability to manage their illness. Our Values To our clients - We Believe clients are our highest priority. They are the reason why Spanish Peaks Mental Health Center exists. We Believe in the preservation of human dignity, self respect and client rights to a caring environment. We Believe in the client-centered approach to care in which the total health needs of the client are addressed. The clients' families are encouraged to become involved in their loved ones' treatment efforts. To our community - We Believe that Spanish Peaks Mental Health Center should be responsive to the mental health care needs of its communities and should direct its resources to meet those needs in a cost effective manner. We Believe that Spanish Peaks Mental Health Center should be a good corporate citizen of the community, maintaining communications with the various publics we serve and participating actively in community affairs, particularly related to health and mental care. Pueblo Administration Office Pueblo Outpatient Offices Walsenburg Office Trinidad Office
Opening Times
Mon-Sun 8am-5pm
Mon-Sun 8am-5pm
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