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Pumpkin Preschool, Inc
Pumpkin Preschool, Inc
449 Grasmere Ave
United States
Tel: (203) 255-7505
Business type:
Business Information
Pumpkin Preschool Early Learning Centers have been providing an outstanding day care and preschool experience for children in Fairfield County for more than 30 years. They are committed to fostering nurturing relationships that support all children as they grow and build trust, preparing them to become lifelong learners. Their holistic philosophy seeks to foster all aspects of a child's development through discovery-based learning, a good balance of teacher and student-led activities, and age-appropriate curriculum.
Visit them online to learn more or call 1 (800) DAYCARE (329-2273) to schedule a visit in Fairfield, Westport or Shelton.
Opening Times
Mon-Fri 7am-6pm, Sat-Sun Closed
Mon-Fri 7am-6pm, Sat-Sun Closed
Payment Methods Accepted
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