Nearwater Property Group LLC - Home Inspections

Nearwater Property Group LLC - Home Inspections
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Tel: (203) 219-4034

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Inspections Without the Drama

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Both Ashi and InterNACHI Certified Home Inspector serving Fairfield and Westchester Counties

Home Inspector, Darien, Greenwich, Stamford, New Canaan, Norwalk, Westport, Wilton
Home Inspector, Darien, Greenwich, Stamford, New Canaan, Norwalk, Westport, Wilton
Radon Tester
Radon Tester
Pest droppings in an attic
Pest droppings in an attic
Manometer of a Radon Mitigation System working correctly (Reverse "J").
Manometer of a Radon Mitigation System working correctly (Reverse "J").
Thermography, Thermographic Imaging, Flir
Thermography, Thermographic Imaging, Flir
Termite baits always get me to look at the foundation as well as the inside structure (if visible) a lot more closely!
Termite baits always get me to look at the foundation as well as the inside structure (if visible) a lot more closely!
Dog urine destroys air-conditioning compressors.  Keep Fido away!  Home Inspection Greenwich
Dog urine destroys air-conditioning compressors. Keep Fido away! Home Inspection Greenwich
Testing out the air-conditioning with an infrared camera makes it pretty easy.  A good temperature drop is 20 degrees.  Home Inspector Greenwich
Testing out the air-conditioning with an infrared camera makes it pretty easy. A good temperature drop is 20 degrees. Home Inspector Greenwich
Checking a slate roof with my drone.  See the definition I can get - plus this was the water side of a waterfront home.  I was able to fly blind to get these shots on the water side of the house.  

Home Inspector Greenwich
Home Inspector Stamford
Home Inspector Darien
Home Inspector New Canaan
Home Inspector Norwalk
Home Inspector Westport
Checking a slate roof with my drone. See the definition I can get - plus this was the water side of a waterfront home. I was able to fly blind to get these shots on the water side of the house. Home Inspector Greenwich Home Inspector Stamford Home Inspector Darien Home Inspector New Canaan Home Inspector Norwalk Home Inspector Westport
Does your inspector have an infrared camera that can detect invisible moisture.  Call me if he doesn't

Home Inspector Greenwich
Home Inspector Stamford
Home Inspector Darien
Home Inspector New Canaan
Home Inspector Norwalk
Home Inspector Westport
Does your inspector have an infrared camera that can detect invisible moisture. Call me if he doesn't Home Inspector Greenwich Home Inspector Stamford Home Inspector Darien Home Inspector New Canaan Home Inspector Norwalk Home Inspector Westport
Constant Radon Monitoring - more accurate, more tamper resistant, and quicker results.

Home Inspector Greenwich
Home Inspector Stamford
Home Inspector Darien
Home Inspector New Canaan
Home Inspector Norwalk
Home Inspector Westport
Constant Radon Monitoring - more accurate, more tamper resistant, and quicker results. Home Inspector Greenwich Home Inspector Stamford Home Inspector Darien Home Inspector New Canaan Home Inspector Norwalk Home Inspector Westport
This white material on this heating pipe wasn't asbestos residue as called out by another inspector.  It was dryer lint from the dryer exhaust 10 feet away.
This white material on this heating pipe wasn't asbestos residue as called out by another inspector. It was dryer lint from the dryer exhaust 10 feet away.
Possible asbestos heating pipe insulation or harmless paper-wrapped fiberglass insulation? It's tough to tell at first glance.  I give it a further look to confirm.
Possible asbestos heating pipe insulation or harmless paper-wrapped fiberglass insulation? It's tough to tell at first glance. I give it a further look to confirm.
No self-closer on the basement door can result in tragedy should carbon monoxide fumes waft into the home.

Home Inspection - Stamford
Home Inspection - Norwalk
No self-closer on the basement door can result in tragedy should carbon monoxide fumes waft into the home. Home Inspection - Stamford Home Inspection - Norwalk
Kitchen sink faucets should be configured to deliver hot water when the handle is straight up as opposed to towards you like this one.  This way when little Johnny reaches up on his tippy toes, turns on the water, and the handle gets pulled forward, he doesn't get burned.

Home Inspection Greenwich
Home Inspection Westport
Kitchen sink faucets should be configured to deliver hot water when the handle is straight up as opposed to towards you like this one. This way when little Johnny reaches up on his tippy toes, turns on the water, and the handle gets pulled forward, he doesn't get burned. Home Inspection Greenwich Home Inspection Westport
Knob and Tube wiring in an 1893 Victorian.  Frayed and quite charged with electricity.  A fire waiting to happen.

Home Inspector Greenwich
Home Inspector Stamford
Home Inspector Darien
Knob and Tube wiring in an 1893 Victorian. Frayed and quite charged with electricity. A fire waiting to happen. Home Inspector Greenwich Home Inspector Stamford Home Inspector Darien
Jet Tubs should be plugged into a GFCI-protected receptacle or be GFCI-protected at the breaker in the distribution panel.  This one was neither and is a tragedy waiting to happen  Electric and water don't mix!

Home Inspector New Canaan
Home Inspector Norwalk
Home Inspector Westport
Jet Tubs should be plugged into a GFCI-protected receptacle or be GFCI-protected at the breaker in the distribution panel. This one was neither and is a tragedy waiting to happen Electric and water don't mix! Home Inspector New Canaan Home Inspector Norwalk Home Inspector Westport
The barometric damper at your heating boiler needs to swing freely to regulate the flow of air and prevent backdraft and Carbon Monoxide poisoning.  Make sure your boiler is inspected and tuned once a year in the Fall.
The barometric damper at your heating boiler needs to swing freely to regulate the flow of air and prevent backdraft and Carbon Monoxide poisoning. Make sure your boiler is inspected and tuned once a year in the Fall.
This "boot" which should provide a tight water seal where the vent stack penetrates the roof is breaking apart.  Time to replace it unless you want water coming through into the attic.
This "boot" which should provide a tight water seal where the vent stack penetrates the roof is breaking apart. Time to replace it unless you want water coming through into the attic.
I inspect every window in a room and call out defects like rotten window wells.
I inspect every window in a room and call out defects like rotten window wells.
Sure looks like asbestos pipe insulation to me although I don't test for it so won't confirm.  I keep a keen eye out for asbestos, mold, & termites and refer you to a specialist if I see evidence.
Sure looks like asbestos pipe insulation to me although I don't test for it so won't confirm. I keep a keen eye out for asbestos, mold, & termites and refer you to a specialist if I see evidence.
Wet Basement?  Probably due to a lack of downspout extenders and hundreds of gallons of water dumping right against the foundation!
Wet Basement? Probably due to a lack of downspout extenders and hundreds of gallons of water dumping right against the foundation!
This charred receptacle could have been caused by a loose wire or the receptacle might just be old (and loose).  When there is a loose connection the electricity tries to "jump" over the gap causing an arc (or spark) which could start a fire.
This charred receptacle could have been caused by a loose wire or the receptacle might just be old (and loose). When there is a loose connection the electricity tries to "jump" over the gap causing an arc (or spark) which could start a fire.
Key turn deadbolt locks are deadly if you can't find the key in the chaos of a fire.  Use a thumbturn instead.
Key turn deadbolt locks are deadly if you can't find the key in the chaos of a fire. Use a thumbturn instead.
This sink has no overflow drain.  Don't get distracted when filling, otherwise you'll have a big wet mess!
This sink has no overflow drain. Don't get distracted when filling, otherwise you'll have a big wet mess!
Mossy rooves are pretty, but bad news for the life of the shingles as they absorb water and quickly rot.
Mossy rooves are pretty, but bad news for the life of the shingles as they absorb water and quickly rot.
Doube-tapped breakers aren't allowed unless the breaker is specially designed to take 2 conduits,
Doube-tapped breakers aren't allowed unless the breaker is specially designed to take 2 conduits,
Creosote lining a firebox can lead to a chimney fire.  Burn dry wood to avoid this and get your chimney inspected and cleaned.
Creosote lining a firebox can lead to a chimney fire. Burn dry wood to avoid this and get your chimney inspected and cleaned.
This clay flue has seen better days.  No wonder they ran a metal liner up through it!
This clay flue has seen better days. No wonder they ran a metal liner up through it!
This chimney is cracked and bricks are coming loose.  An expensive fix for lack of maintenance!
This chimney is cracked and bricks are coming loose. An expensive fix for lack of maintenance!
Multi-slatted vent covers catch lint and quickly clog causing  a dangerous potential for fires. Use a flap cover instead!
Multi-slatted vent covers catch lint and quickly clog causing a dangerous potential for fires. Use a flap cover instead!
This is a vent for a house fan, a powerful means to cool your house during the summer back in the 1970's.  With aftermarket air-conditioning now, the vent just leaks energy.
This is a vent for a house fan, a powerful means to cool your house during the summer back in the 1970's. With aftermarket air-conditioning now, the vent just leaks energy.
Paint chips in a pre-1978 house usually equal lead.  Clean them up and paint over them.
Paint chips in a pre-1978 house usually equal lead. Clean them up and paint over them.
Moisture Meters confirm is something is wet.  6% is very Dry.  All good here!
Moisture Meters confirm is something is wet. 6% is very Dry. All good here!
The small wires in front of the big ones should not be there.  The branch circuit is unprotected.
The small wires in front of the big ones should not be there. The branch circuit is unprotected.
Steps need to be uniform to avoid people taking a dangerous fall.  This bottom one was 2" higher than the top one.
Steps need to be uniform to avoid people taking a dangerous fall. This bottom one was 2" higher than the top one.
These light brown spots are evidence of Wood Destroying Insects.  Best to get a thorough check by a pest specialist to make sure there are no live critters around.
These light brown spots are evidence of Wood Destroying Insects. Best to get a thorough check by a pest specialist to make sure there are no live critters around.
Infrared Cameras can be used for many things in home inspection.  Even to see if the sauna rocks are heating up.
Infrared Cameras can be used for many things in home inspection. Even to see if the sauna rocks are heating up.
Don't let your roof look like this.  Soft wash every 5 years to kill the growth and clean your gutters twice a year.
Don't let your roof look like this. Soft wash every 5 years to kill the growth and clean your gutters twice a year.
That big hole in the panel can attract critters which can then cause a lot of damage.  Fill that hole with a knockout plug.
That big hole in the panel can attract critters which can then cause a lot of damage. Fill that hole with a knockout plug.
Lead paint can cause serious health problems if ingested.  Clean up all paint chips and re-paint ASAP to seal any lead paint below.
Lead paint can cause serious health problems if ingested. Clean up all paint chips and re-paint ASAP to seal any lead paint below.
The guy who powerwashed this roof was late for dinner and had to go.  It should also be soft-washed, not powerwashed.  Know the difference!
The guy who powerwashed this roof was late for dinner and had to go. It should also be soft-washed, not powerwashed. Know the difference!
No chimney cap makes for a rusted damper below.  Also, the crown is breaking up.  Unless addressed ASAP, the stones will start coming loose.
No chimney cap makes for a rusted damper below. Also, the crown is breaking up. Unless addressed ASAP, the stones will start coming loose.
Moisture Meter says 50%!  Any wood over 20% will start to experience rot and decay.  Time to get the roof fixed before it causes worse problems.
Moisture Meter says 50%! Any wood over 20% will start to experience rot and decay. Time to get the roof fixed before it causes worse problems.
This is an asbestos-wrapped heating pipe from pre-1978.  One of about 8 common places asbestos is found in older homes.
This is an asbestos-wrapped heating pipe from pre-1978. One of about 8 common places asbestos is found in older homes.
This is a fill spout for buried oil tanks.  From 1929!  The owner had no idea.  Could be a major environmental liability.
This is a fill spout for buried oil tanks. From 1929! The owner had no idea. Could be a major environmental liability.
HVAC Ducts should be insulated to prevent energy loss and condensation in the summer.
HVAC Ducts should be insulated to prevent energy loss and condensation in the summer.
No downspout = Water dumping right up against your foundation.  Get it away for a dryer basement!
No downspout = Water dumping right up against your foundation. Get it away for a dryer basement!
Paper wasps on the left, or mud wasps on the right.  Both can be prevented in your attic by sealing holes and screening vents.
Paper wasps on the left, or mud wasps on the right. Both can be prevented in your attic by sealing holes and screening vents.
Boot flashing on your roof is important to keep the rain out.  Sometimes it tears, and sometimes it's badly repaired!
Boot flashing on your roof is important to keep the rain out. Sometimes it tears, and sometimes it's badly repaired!
Galvanized drain pipes corrode, rust and leak.  Time to replace them!
Galvanized drain pipes corrode, rust and leak. Time to replace them!
This is two layers of asphalt shingles.  More than one layer increases the weight and reduces the lifespan of the roof.  Strip first, then replace!
This is two layers of asphalt shingles. More than one layer increases the weight and reduces the lifespan of the roof. Strip first, then replace!
Broken window seals are not only unsightly but energy inefficient.  Many could still be under warranty, so try that first!
Broken window seals are not only unsightly but energy inefficient. Many could still be under warranty, so try that first!
Fuel-burning appliances need combustion air. That vent in the basement provides the air needed to burn fuel.  Don't block it!
Fuel-burning appliances need combustion air. That vent in the basement provides the air needed to burn fuel. Don't block it!
This garage ceiling developed a mold outbreak just from the humid summer air.  If it was primed and painted this could have been prevented.
This garage ceiling developed a mold outbreak just from the humid summer air. If it was primed and painted this could have been prevented.
Too Short of a chimney can cause poor draft and flame rollout.  See the burned mantle in this picture.
Too Short of a chimney can cause poor draft and flame rollout. See the burned mantle in this picture.
This is the filthy interior of an HVAC duct. It is unhealthy and should be cleaned every 5 yrs.
This is the filthy interior of an HVAC duct. It is unhealthy and should be cleaned every 5 yrs.
Don't mount a smoke detector next to the wall because the smoke might be delayed in getting there.
Don't mount a smoke detector next to the wall because the smoke might be delayed in getting there.
Cracked and broken sidewalks are trip hazards but can subject you a lawsuit if someone else is injured.
Cracked and broken sidewalks are trip hazards but can subject you a lawsuit if someone else is injured.
If the house was built before 1978, then the paint chips are likely lead.  Clean them up and re-paint to avoid lead poisoning.
If the house was built before 1978, then the paint chips are likely lead. Clean them up and re-paint to avoid lead poisoning.
Low window sills can be a falling hazard if you have pets or young children in the house.  Window guards should be installed to avoid tragedy.
Low window sills can be a falling hazard if you have pets or young children in the house. Window guards should be installed to avoid tragedy.
Vinyl siding can hide rot & mold.  A home inspection is "a visual non-invasive inspection" and can't always find issues like this.
Vinyl siding can hide rot & mold. A home inspection is "a visual non-invasive inspection" and can't always find issues like this.
This was an extensive carpenter ant gallery.  Structural repairs were needed as well as an exterminator.
This was an extensive carpenter ant gallery. Structural repairs were needed as well as an exterminator.
There are specific things excluded from the State Standards of Practice. Prime examples are recreational items such as playsets and hot tubs.
There are specific things excluded from the State Standards of Practice. Prime examples are recreational items such as playsets and hot tubs.
Check out the heated toilet seat and the floor heat warming up on my camera.  I don't charge extra for the use of my infrared camera like some other big companies.
Check out the heated toilet seat and the floor heat warming up on my camera. I don't charge extra for the use of my infrared camera like some other big companies.
Chrome P-Traps look awesome... until they don't!  And then they corrode and leak.  Use PVC instead.
Chrome P-Traps look awesome... until they don't! And then they corrode and leak. Use PVC instead.
This is a backflow prevention valve on a laundry drain.  It stops the dirty water from coming back into the machine and water supply.
This is a backflow prevention valve on a laundry drain. It stops the dirty water from coming back into the machine and water supply.
This connection failed and moist bathroom air is blown into the attic instead of outside the house.  Nearwater Property Group Home Inspections can help find this.
This connection failed and moist bathroom air is blown into the attic instead of outside the house. Nearwater Property Group Home Inspections can help find this.
This is a rubber washing machine supply hose about to blow!  I recommend the one wrapped in steel mesh.
This is a rubber washing machine supply hose about to blow! I recommend the one wrapped in steel mesh.
Opening Times
Mon-Sun 7am-10pm

Payment Methods Accepted
American Express, Cash, Check, MasterCard, Visa, ZELLE

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