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HonorHealth Mesa Emergency Center

HonorHealth Mesa Emergency Center
5750 East Baseline Road
United States
Tel: (602) 833-6900
Business type:
Business Information
HonorHealth Mesa Emergency Center is a 13-bed facility that offers comprehensive emergency services with a dedicated team of experts ready to support you. Our facility has an imaging suite for expedited X-ray, ultrasound and CT services. We’re also open 24 hours a day, seven days a week to ensure East Valley residents experience shorter wait times.
On Sept. 11, HonorHealth agreed to assume operational control of four former Arizona-based Steward Health Care facilities, including this one, and multiple additional physician practices throughout the Valley. Once an interim transition period is complete, HonorHealth plans to assume full operational ownership. We appreciate your patience during this transition.

Opening Times
Mon-Fri 24hr, Sat-Sun Closed
Mon-Fri 24hr, Sat-Sun Closed
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