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Crosstown Engineering
Crosstown Engineering
6119 Greenville Ave Ste 320
United States
Tel: (469) 751-7694
Business type:
Business InformationAt Crosstown Engineering, our structural engineers are objective and professional civil engineering design experts and investigators for residential and commercial developers and for residential forensic analysis and performance clientele. Our engineering consultants study all documentation, perform detailed on-site inquiries and provide clear observations, facts and conclusions to what’s in question. Our engineering reports are delivered in a timely manner as part of our industry standard engineering services. Engineering consulting is what we do best.
Opening Times
09:00AM - 06:00PMTuesday
09:00AM - 06:00PMWednesday
09:00AM - 06:00PMThursday
09:00AM - 06:00PMFriday
09:00AM - 06:00PMSaturday
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