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Bettendorf Family Dental

Bettendorf Family Dental
6786 Friendship Path
United States
Tel: (563) 306-0526
Business type:
Do you want to prevent tooth decay? Do you need a major dental procedure? Bettendorf Family Dental can help with all of that and more. We provide family dental services for clients in Bettendorf, IA and the Quad Cities. We will have you complete a new patient exam to understand your medical history and dental needs and then set up any necessary treatments to help you have healthy teeth.
Opening Times
07:00AM - 05:00PMTue
07:00AM - 05:00PMWed
07:00AM - 05:00PMThu
07:00AM - 05:00PMFri
dental services, cosmetic dental services, preventive dental care

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