Business Directory Listing Options

Any US based family friendly business is welcome to sign up for a directory listing on My Local Services.

A basic listing will display your:

business address
telephone numbers
opening hours
location map
customer contact form
customer reviews
As well as:
business logo
promotional message
promotional business image

List your business now

To list your business, enter your business details below and select next to continue.

Please enter a business name
Enter your business name as you'd like it to appear on your listing.

Enter the landline phone number your customers should call.

Enter a mobile number if your customers can also contact you via your mobile.

Listing Upgrade options

You can upgrade any options for your directory listing at any time by logging-in to your listing editor. All prices below are annual. At checkout you will have the choice to pay a single one off lifetime listing price, with the lifetime price dependant on any options taken.

1. Add extra categories

The first three categories are free, additional categories only cost $3.00 each. We can create any category for you if required.

2. Increase coverage

Your listing will show in our search results within 2 miles of your business address. If you can service customers further afield then you can increase your coverage. Extended coverage costs $3.00 for 25 miles, $6.00 for 100 miles, $15.00 for 250 miles, $20.00 for 500 miles and $30.00 for Nationwide.

3. Sponsored listing

At the top of the search results we show up to five sponsored listings for each category which visually stand-out. Sponsored Listings cost $10.00.

4. Special promotion

Add a promotion with a weblink to your listing and search results which can be edited at any time. Promotions cost $5.00. See an example below:

5. Remove third-party advertising

Other advertising is also shown on your business listing page such as Google adverts. To remove any third-party advertising costs $10.00.

Terms and Conditions

Please view our user-friendly terms and conditions below: terms and conditions

View all of our feedback review stars review stars review stars review stars review stars 4.9 stars out of 5 based on 32 reviews.